Generative Adversarial Nets: GAN

review GAN

As of 2020, the most popular approaches to generative modeling are probably GANs, variational autoencoders, and fully-visible belief nets.

In this review, we will look at the original GAN.

1. Notation

  • Probability density functions

\(p_g\) : the generator’s distribution over data \(x\).

\(p_{data}\) : the data generating distribution.

\(p_z\) : input noise variables’ distribution.

  • Models

\(G(z;\theta_g)\) : the multilayer perceptron generator \(G\) with parameters \(\theta_g\). \(G\) maps \(z\) to \(x\).

\(D(x;\theta_d)\) : the multilayer perceptron discriminator \(D\) with parameters \(\theta_d\). \(D(x)\) represents the probability that \(x\) came from the data.

2. Value Function

D and G play 2-player minmax game with the value function \(V(D,G)\). \[\begin{gathered} \underset{G}{\min}\underset{D}{\max}V(D,G) \\ \text{with} \\ V(D,G) = \mathbb{E}_{x{\sim}p_{data}(x)}[logD(x)] + \mathbb{E}_{z{\sim}p_{z}(z)}[log(1-D(x))]. \end{gathered}\]

The original paper offered 2 versions of the loss function for the generator.

2.1. minimax GAN (M-GAN, theoretical)

M-GAN defined a cost \(J^{(G)} = -J^{(D)}\).

For real and fake training data \[\begin{cases} x, y(=1) & x \text{ is real} \newline x, y(=0) & x \text{ is fake}, \end{cases}\]

  • Training \(D\): \(\underset{D}{\max}V(D,G) = \underset{D}{\max} \left( \mathbb{E}_{x{\sim}p_{data}(x)}[logD(x)] + \mathbb{E}_{z{\sim}p_{z}(z)}[log(1-D(x))] \right)\)

  • Training \(G\): \(\underset{G}{\min}V(D,G) = \underset{G}{\min} \left( \mathbb{E}_{z{\sim}p_{z}(z)}[log(1-D(x))] \right).\)

2.2. Non-Saturating GAN (NS-GAN, prevent gradient saturation)

When \(G\) is poor, especially in the early step of training, \(D\) can easily reject data from \(z\). In this case, \(log(1-D(x))\) saturates, because whatever \(z\) is, \(D(G(z)) \approx 0\).

Therefore NS-GAN flips the labels when the generator is being trained.

  • Training \(D\):

For real and fake training data \[\begin{cases} x, y(=1) & x \text{ is real} \newline x, y(=0) & x \text{ is fake}, \end{cases}\]

objective: \(\underset{D}{\max}V(D,G) = \underset{D}{\max} \left( \mathbb{E}_{x{\sim}p_{data}(x)}[logD(x)] + \mathbb{E}_{z{\sim}p_{z}(z)}[log(1-D(x))] \right)\).

  • Training \(G\):

for input noises and labels \[x, y(=1)\quad x \text{ is fake},\]

objective: \(\underset{G}{\max}V(D,G) = \underset{G}{\max} \left( \mathbb{E}_{z{\sim}p_{z}(z)}[logD(x)] \right).\)

3. Theoretical Results

The generator defines pdf \(p_g\) implicitly. (“GANs are implicit models that infer the probability distribution p(x) without necessarily representing the density function explicitly.”)

Assumption: \(D\) and \(G\) have no parametric restrictions.

3.1. Global Optimality of \(p_g = p_{data}\).

3.1.1 proposition 1. (optimal \(D\))

For fixed \(G\), the optimal discriminator \(D\) is \[D^*_G(x) = \frac{p_{data}(x)}{p_{data}(x) + p_g(x)}\]

  • note on the proof

The training criterion for \(D\) is to maximize the \(V(G,D)\). \[\begin{gathered} V(G,D) = \int_{x}p_{data}(x)logD(x) + p_g(x)log(1-D(x))dx \newline \text{and} \newline f(y) := a\log(y) + b\log(1-y). \newline \forall \ (a,b) \in \mathbb{R}^2/\{0,0\}, \ y \in [0,1], \newline \underset{y}{argmax} f(y) = \frac{a}{a+b} \end{gathered}\]

3.1.2 Theorem 1. (\(\exists!\) optimal \(G\))

The global minimum of the virtual training criterion \(C(G)\) is achieved iff \(p_g=p_{data}\). At the point, \(C(G)\) achieves the value \(-\log4\).

  • note on the proof

\(p_{data}\) is apparent optimal value of \(p_g\). \[p_g=p_{data} \Rightarrow D^*_G(x)=\frac{1}{2} \Rightarrow V(D^*_G,G)=C(G)=-\log4\]

Therefore the difference of the optimal \(C(G)\) with an arbitrary \(p_g\) and the optimal \(C(G)\) with \(p_g=p_{data}\) is \[\begin{aligned} C(G) - (\mathbb{E}_{x{\sim}p_{data}}[-log2] + \mathbb{E}_{x{\sim}p_g}[-log2]) &= \int_{x}p_{data}log\frac{p_{data}}{p_{data}+p_g}dx + \int_{x}p_glog\frac{p_g}{p_{data}+p_g}dx -(-log4) \\ &= - \int_{x}p_{data}log\frac{p_{data}+p_g}{2p_{data}}dx - \int_{x}p_glog\frac{p_{data}+p_g}{2p_g}dx \\ &= KL(p_{data} \parallel \frac{p_{data}+p_g}{2}) + KL(p_g \parallel \frac{p_{data}+p_g}{2}) \\ &= 2JSD(p_{data} \parallel p_g) \end{aligned}\]

3.2. Convergence of the Algorithm

Proposition 2.

If \(G\) and \(D\) have enough capacity, and at each step of the Algorithm, the discriminator is allowed to reach its optimum given \(G\), and \(p_g\) is updated so as to improve the criterion \[\mathbb{E}_{x{\sim}p_{data}}[logD^*_G(x)] + \mathbb{E}_{x{\sim}p_g}[log(1-D^*_G(x))]\]

  • note

– the point where the maximum is attained: \(\beta = \underset{\alpha \in A}{argsup} f_{\alpha}(x)\)

– the subderivatives of a supremum of convex functions: \(\partial f\)

– the derivative of the funcion at the point: \(\partial f_{\beta}(x)\)

– \(\alpha : D\)

– \(\beta : D^*_G\)

4. PyTorch Tutorials: DCGAN

the training techniques of DCGAN

  • update D Network

– step1: train with all real batch

– step2: train with all fake batch

  • update G Network

– Use NS-GAN loss

5. References

  • Goodfellow, Ian, et al. “Generative adversarial nets.” Advances in neural information processing systems 27 (2014).

  • Goodfellow, Ian, et al. “Generative adversarial networks.” Communications of the ACM 63.11 (2020): 139-144.
